Main Outputs WP 6: Planning and Consultancy


Action No. 6.1 Connecting Inter- Municipal Concepts with RCLE


Collection of Best Practices at a Regional, National and Transnational level

A collection of Best Practices on the integration of the energy aspects in the territorial planning at a Regional, National and Transnational level.


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Gradimo za jutri: priročnik za trajnostno gradnjo
Building for Tomorrow: Handbook for sustainable construction


Handbook Building for tomorrow offers information on sustainable building culture, traditional construction methods, local and sustainable building materials, energy efficient construction and certification of buildings.
It includes also the catalogue of SMEs dealing with sustainable materials and sustainable construction.
Target groups: investors (home owners, renovators), public authorities (construction standards), SMEs (from planning to finalization phase), general public.


Further information (PDF download)



Report  on RCLE with a focus on Valtellina pilot area and common materials (stone and wood)
Language: Italian


These Guidelines, starting from a Synoptic research carried out on the different perception of CLE among 7 AlpBC PPs, draft an address document assessing the potential of the utilization,  according to a  Closed-Loop-Economy approach, of  some common materials in reference  to the building sector. Some added elements are reported in 2 annexes on Stone and Wood in the ERS pilot area (Valtellina), merging the  study on Closed-Loop Economy approach in the pilot area and the outcomes  from the  Participative Symposium and the related field-visit.


Cultura abitare Valtellina


Report RCLE + annexes on stone and woods


Action No. 6.2 Implementation of IMC as regional Pilot Planning Strategies


Guidelines for the redaction of the Energy Annex to the Municipal Building Code (IT)

A document for the Municipalities of the Alpine territories giving the guidelines for the redaction of the Energy Annex to the Municipal Building Code: an energy efficient way to build new buildings and to renovate existing buildings.


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Inter Municipal Strategy for harmonizing spatial planning policies with local energy plans (IT)


A strategy for the Municipalities of the Alpine territories for the integration of energy in the planning instruments  starting from the Energy Balance and from the Baseline Emission Inventory, reaching the definition of a set of measures of energy saving and efficiency to implement in the territory.


Further information



GIS tool for the energy evaluation of urban development scenarios (ITA)

The “GIS tool for the Energy Evaluation of Urban Development Scenarios” is a support tool for urban and energy planners that allows to study opportunities, how at building cluster level or community scale a transformation of the building stock into nearly Zero Emission Building nZEB can be reached.


The target for existing buildings to become nearly Zero Emission in most cases is very difficult to reach. By using concepts on community scale this transition can be realized more easily.
The “GIS tool for the Energy Evaluation of Urban Development Scenarios” is a support tool for urban and energy planners that allows to study opportunities, how at building cluster level or community scale a transformation of the building stock into nearly Zero Emission Building nZEB can be reached. In particular the GIS tool allows to:

  • Evaluate and characterize the current energy performance of the building stock at cluster and community levels;
  • Elaborate future scenarios for its improvement by assessing the impact of the implementation of targeted measures at cluster and community scales to reduce energy consumptions and cut CO2 emissions (micro smart grids, community-wide renewable energy or central plant applications, etc.)  
  • Monitor implementation progresses of the selected measures

The GIS tool is meant as a supporting tool for the definition and monitoring of energy related objectives in Urban and Energy planning policies and programming instruments (Masterplans, municipality energy plans, SEAP, etc.; see also factsheet “Guidelines for energy evaluation of urban development scenarios”)


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Documento strategico per la montagna veneta del PTRC – capitolo pianificazione urbanistica ed energetica
Strategic document for the Veneto mountains – Energy and Urban planning chapter

The document addresses the impact of the urban settlements in the mountain territory and the policies needed to guarantee a sustainable development with a look on the environmental factors but not overlooking the challenging economic factors. The focus was set on the building stock and its energy performance, as one of the crucial theme for the sustainability of the territory.


In this document all the strategic issues which can positive influence the use of the territory and the exploitation of its enormous resources have been developed and collected. The inputs and contribution raising form this document has to be considered both in the definition of new rules or new frameworks and in the implementation of planning process as well.


Further information



Guidelines Annex I – Financing opportunities


This document collects and presents several possibilities to enhance the realization of energy efficiency and sustainable renovation interventions on the building stock. As targets were considered the residential sector, the public building sector and the tertiary private sector, mainly composed in the Veneto Alpine area by hotels and second houses.


At each level, the new strategies to secure sufficient financing for the deep renovation of a building stock need to draw on private and public investment, but at the same time more innovative ideas and initiatives are necessary because the investments are often cost-effective, but an initial capital is needed to tackle costly interventions.
A variety of financial mechanisms have been investigated, in order to consider all the possible incentives aiming to an energy efficiency upgrading in domestic and non-domestic buildings. The document is conceived as an annex to the Energy Use Plan Guidelines, but it can be read as an autonomous unit.


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Nizkoogljična strategija za občine Bovec, Kobarid, Tolmin, Cerkno in Idrija – Akcijski načrt
Regional Low-carbon Strategy Implementation Plan

Regional Low-carbon Strategy Implementation Plan offers a set of concrete project ideas based on regional needs (and possible realization tools), that can be implemented in the near future (e.g. in the programme period 2014-2020).


Within the Alpstar project (AS 2007-2013) Regional Low-carbon Strategy for municipalities of Bovec, Kobarid, Tolmin, Cerkno and Idrija (AlpBC pilot region) was elaborated. It was developed in a common process with relevant stakeholders in the region and serves as an umbrella document for further activities. Within the AlpBC project we wanted to upgrade the Strategy with concrete actions. Implementation plan that we elaborated, builds on measures predicted by the Strategy in a way that it objectifies (concretises) the foreseen measures with actions planned by SDC. Each measure is upgraded with a specific initiative(s) or project idea(s) and with suitable scheme(s)/programme(s) for its realisation. Implementation plan developed through the activities of AlpBC includes priority actions in the field of operation of SDC and presents a non-binding draft document that aims to reach full development as Regionally Appropriate Mitigation Action Plan within CE project in 2014-2020 perspective. RAMAP will address issues like: how will the initiative be implemented, roles and responsibilities, target groups, time plan and budget estimations.
The Implementation plan (as well as Regional Low-carbon Strategy) is based on regional approach to low-carbon development, where region is not meant as an administrative unit but as a geographically rounded territory with similar conditions and challenges. This functional region consists of 5 municipalities which are in this aspect - since they adopted Regional Low-carbon Strategy on one hand but are on the other hand not bound by the document - also interested to cooperate in the projects foreseen in the Implementation plan. Since Slovenia doesn’t have regional administration or regions as formal structure units, the Strategy and its Implementation plan could present an umbrella document for inter-municipal approach.
The Strategy and Implementation plan are not documents that serve only to the municipalities. In the process of elaboration of the Regional low-carbon strategy the procedure of formally informing all five municipality councils was used. This is a formal procedure where councils are informed about the document but they don’t vote for its approval/disapproval. For this reason, the Strategy has higher level of legitimacy and commitment outside the administration.
At preparation of the Implementation plan we followed the idea of a cross-sectoral cooperation and integration. With Implementation plan we wish to engage local and regional actors in planning, implementing (and co-financing) of concrete actions to deliver sustainable energy measures. Strategy and its Implementation plan aim to improve especially the capacity of the public sector and related entities, as a key starting point for mobilising action/investment for low-carbon measures at territorial level, which will initiate and promote action also among wider public. Measures and actions planned in the Implementation plan are designed to sustain the balance between development and protection, where carbon neutrality offers possibilities for economic and social development and at the same time preserves natural and cultural heritage.


Further information



Smernice za trajnostno gradnjo Zgornjega Posočja in Idrijsko – Cerkljanskega: območje občin Bovec, Kobarid, Tolmin, Cerkno in Idrija.
Guidelines for Sustainable Construction in the Municipalities of Bovec, Kobarid, Tolmin, Cerkno and Idrija.


A pilot “backbone” document, that offers guidance on integrated approach to sustainable construction as a new spatial development perspective with multiplicative effects and in connection to the priority use of local materials.


Guidelines for Sustainable Construction in the Municipalities of Bovec, Kobarid, Tolmin, Cerkno and Idrija is a document that was prepared by the working group of 5 architects working in the area addressed and is to be considered also by 5 municipalities while preparing MSP. It derives from the need, expressed by administration, to have a kind of expert backbone document, which would help decision makers in the process of spatial interventions in order to avoid uncontrolled development of construction that doesn’t suit regional characteristics, uses alien materials and consequently fails to deliver expected energy performance. Although some design specifications in the MSP are very precise, there is absence of a clear and unambiguous clause on the use of natural and local materials and principles of the construction that consequently arise. The document offers possibilities of enhancing closed loop economies in the construction sector (by promoting networking in the region).


Further information



Ocena potencialov za izkoriščanje obnovljivih virov energije na območju občin Bovec, Kobarid, Tolmin, Cerkno in Idrija.
Assessments of acceptability/suitability of the locations for placement of different energy infrastructure (RES) in the space (supported by GIS tools). (Slovene)

The document represents a comprehensive review of potentially suitable areas for the production of energy from RES.


The measure derives from the core principles of Regional Low-carbon Strategy where harnessing renewable energy sources (RES) represent an important segment. Targeted region includes municipalities of Bovec, Kobarid, Tolmin, Cerkno and Idrija. In the phase of document preparation all relevant aspect were taken into account: existing situation in the energy field of a particular area, planning documents, municipal local energy concepts, plans for district heating systems, geographical, environmental and other databases, etc. Basic level of processing corresponded to the scale of individual settlements in all included municipalities.
The document represents a comprehensive review of potentially suitable areas for the production of energy from RES and includes: assessment of the potential heat supply from district heating systems, including micro district heating systems (for areas that are not yet included in existing and planned district heating systems), assessment of the energy demand for heating and hot water in households, farms and services, which cannot be covered with the already planned systems, assessment of the potential to generate heat and / or electricity from RES in individual systems, households, farms and services, recommendations and guidelines and complete digital graphic representation of the estimated potential (GIS). With this measure SDC wanted to demonstrate the possibilities for energy self-sufficiency in the region. In addition, the result will be an important input for MSPs and also interesting for potential investors.


Further information



Izobraževalni program: gradimo za jutri.
Building for tomorrow: Training programmes for SMEs

With this project we were just at the beginning of encouraging development of the local market on the subject of sustainable building culture. SMEs, architects, builders, craftsmen etc. detected a big need on more cooperation between them, their better knowledge on territorial/local building specificities, sustainable building material, promotion on awareness etc.

On this basis we have connected with educators of adults and experts in this field of knowledge to set together educational plans and activities. Our training program Building for tomorrow includes 6 topics: •Philosophy of sustainable building culture, • Local building culture, •Re-use of traditional buildings materials and energy efficiency within Alpine settlements, •Constructions (new&renovation), •Role of the co-operation among the different actors (Planners, Arhitects, SMEs, etc.) involved in the renovation process & discussion about critical renovation problems – networking  in the region, •Best practices in the Alpine Building Renovation & Renovation of public buildings  – professional excursion.

The central outputs of the upgraded Training Modules with regional low carbon strategy and implementation plan (activities for selected target groups) are: 1. Developed Training program for SMEs Building for tomorrow. 2. Implemented pilot training activities: •professional education in Bovec (8.10.2014), •two-day excursion on sustainable building culture (24.–25. 10. 2014), •gathering initiatives of SMEs (used method of project learning carried out with the action goal and public event). 3. Architects Camp in Most na Soči on urban equipment as a vision of space in the context of local sustainable building materials. 4. Exploring the possibilities of closed loop economies in the construction sector (networking in the region).

Our training program has been prepared in cooperation with the Green Building Council Slovenia and Slovenian institute for Adult Education. In the implementation participated external experts and mentor. Results are listed in section outcomes.

The training program consisted of:

  1. Professional education (8 hours): Philosophy of sustainable building culture, Constructions, sustainable building material. Persons included: 24
  2. Professional excursion (2 days): Best practices in the Alpine Building & Renovation. Persons included: 28
  3. Networking in the region for SMEs (9 meetings): using the method of learning projects. Persons included: 10

Leaning projects are present in different learning programmes for adults where knowledge is mostly directed to solving complex issues. They are interdisciplinary linking general and also special knowledge. These kinds of methodology enable the participants (in our case SMEs) to build connections and collaborations. Moreover, they help connecting learning with local development. They open questions on the attitude of people towards the environment and on what we can.


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Implementation of indicator planning approach and upgrading energy certificates database


To support joint planning and actions in spatial and energy planning and increase the awareness of spatial influences and aspects on the sustainability of buildings as well as to support the daily work of energy consultants an integration of spatial indicators relevant for them was carried out.


First of all a publicly available mapping tool for diverse infrastructure indicators relevant for sustainability assessment and recommendations was implemented for the province of Salzburg:


Indicator mapping tool


Additionally to ensure high acceptance and actual use an integration was realized for energy infrastructure information in the regional energy certificates database ZEUS which is though only accessible by authorized people.


A short description and an overview factsheet on the approach can be downloaded. The whole procedure is described in detail in an overall internal report. If you are interested in that please contact



Action No. 6 Intermunicipal Cooperation Strategy Points Achental Documentation Gemeindedialoge


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