WP4: Capitalising Knowledge
This work package creates the knowledge base for the activities of all further work packages. It especially prepares the ground for the inter-municipal planning and development concepts of WP 5 as well as the regional closed-loop economy concepts of WP 6. It provides the knowledge that will be disseminated by the AlpHouse Centers and AlpHouse contact points in WP 7. That will be communicated to the policy level and the public by the activities of WP 8, e.g. the Participative Symposia.
The work package follows a 3-step approach:
- The first step is to develop a capitalisation strategy that defines what it means to “capitalise knowledge”. This e.g. implies a strict selection and didactical processing of elements that are useful for the stakeholders and target groups addressed. According to this strategy valuable elements of the previous projects AlpHouse, EnerBuild, Eule, and Moreco will be identified and edited.
- In line with this strategy, a second step takes stock of the related knowledge bases in the fields of building culture, territorial development, energy planning, and building materials, and edits them for application within AlpBC.
- A third step is to integrate new thematic fields, new target groups and new pilot areas outside of the previous projects into this capitalisation strategy. This lays the ground for a transfer strategy, for recommendations regarding further case studies, and for new ways of regional governance of energy plans and certificates.