WP3: Information & Publicity Main Output


Action No. 3.2 Project website and flyer


Il progetto europeo AlpBC Alpine Building Culture
Sviluppo sostenibile del settore edilizio in ambito alpino e integrazione dei temi energetici nella pianificazione del territorio (IT)


Objectives, activities and results of the AlpBC project in the Aosta Valley.


Further information



Result Flyer  Action No.3.2


Link to Flyer


Action No. 3.2 Project  flyer


Italian Flyer



Action No. 3.3 Publications, Newsletter and press work


Cultura del costruire e dell'abitare in Valtellina
Language: Italian


This publication is meant to summarize in a text focused on the Regional Building Culture  the outcomes  from the regional analysis, the  study on Closed-Loop Economy approach in the pilot area and the discussions held within the Participative Symposium and the related follow-up workshop.


Further information


Report  on RCLE with a focus on Valtellina pilot area and common materials (stone and wood)
Language: Italian

 These Guidelines, starting from a Synoptic research carried out on the different perception of CLE among 7 AlpBC PPs, draft an address document assessing the potential of the utilization,  according to a  Closed-Loop-Economy approach, of  some common materials in reference  to the building sector. Some added elements are reported in 2 annexes on Stone and Wood in the ERS pilot area (Valtellina), merging the  study on Closed-Loop Economy approach in the pilot area and the outcomes  from the  Participative Symposium and the related field-visit.


Further information



Dokumentation zu den Gemeindedialogen

Further information


Handbook for restorers

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Action No. 3.4 Media communication


Event- Movie ( „Planen und Bauen in den Alpen")

Link to movie

Password: preview



Poster for  Final Conference


Further information




Project presentation

"Presentation Vorarlberger Vorbilder"