Contact Details
Name of Institution (english) | TIS Techno Innovation South Tyrol |
Name (national language) | TIS Techno Innovation South Tyrol |
Short name | TIS |
Contact Person
Title, Name, Surname | Dott. Arch. Maria Giulia Faiella |
Telephone | +39 (0)471 068152 | |
Description of the Institution
The TIS innovation park sees itself both as a center as well as a driving force for innovation, cooperation and transfer of technologies for all stakeholders in innovation, but above all, for individual companies.
- provides an area for economic development and stability through innovation, cooperation and transfer of technologies;
- is a center for those pioneering innovation;
- links the economy with science.
It serves as a gateway to the latest technological trends, as an institution for translating academic and international knowledge into economic exploitation and concrete applications, and promotes innovative projects within small and medium-sized companies.
Description of Competences – referring to the Project
The TIS innovation park is a Business Incubator and Centre for Technology Companies, a center for Know-how & Technology Transfer. In TIS innovation park six areas are present: Alpine Technologies, Food and Well-Being, Energy and Environment, Standardization, Free Software & Open Technologies, Simulation and Materials. Alpine Technology with Construction Cluster is involved in the project AlpBC, the competences are:
- Project management and coaching for R&D on a local, national and European level
- Technology consulting for product development and optimization
- Development of finance strategies
- International databases on the latest materials development
- Knowledge and technology transfer
- Networking and cooperation with partners of the TIS innovation park, with leading domestic and foreign enterprises and international research facilities.