Contact Details
Name of Institution (english) | Piemonte Region - Department for strategic programming, spatial planning and housing |
Name (national language) | Regione Piemonte - Direzione Programmazione strategica, Politiche territoriali ed Edilizia |
Short name | Piemonte |
Contact Person
Title, Name, Surname | Arch. Annalisa Savio |
Telephone | +39 (0)11 4323585 | |
Description of the Institution
Regione Piemonte represents the second Italian region as for surface (25.400 kmq), located at the Italy-France border, with more than 40% occupied by mountains, almost 4,5 million inhabitants and 1206 municipalities.
The institutional role of Regione Piemonte includes legislative, regulatory and programming tasks in various policy fields related to regional territorial and economic development, such as energy, transport, cultural heritage. In particular, the Department is in charge of spatial planning and housing policies.
Description of Competences – referring to the Project
The Department is in charge of regional spatial planning policy and is responsible for the Regional Territorial Plan and the Regional Landscape Plan, providing for rules and orientations for the spatial planning and development at regional and local level.
For the last two decades, it has participated in or promoted a number of initiatives / projects aimed at improving inter-institutional cooperation and involvement of local communities, providing for innovative tools and methodologies for territorial governance and development policies, strengthening competences at regional and local level in the field of sustainable territorial development.